Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission

To provide high-quality education and childcare in a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment that builds a foundation for lifelong learning. To empower students to acquire, demonstrate, and articulate value knowledge and skills that will support them, as lifelong learners, to participate in and contribute to the global world and practice the core values of the school. ICDFR strives to provide a highly competent and skilled community focused on holistic wellness and livelihood. The core value system is to give training and skills to struggling communities to overcome their challenges. The organization aims to educate, empower, and provide healthcare and livelihood support to 1 million beneficiaries by the year 2030.

ICFDR runs the following schemes to achieve its mission

'Shiksha' for Education and Training

'Manasavi' for giving the right values

'Samskriti' for teaching art and culture

'Karuna' for spreading awareness about women's and children's rights

'Ashraya' for Shelter Schools

'Rajarashi' for Leadership Training

'Arogya' for Physical and Mental Health Care

'Annamrita' for Food Relief and Mid-Day Meals