On June 28th, 2023, four volunteers from ICFDR went to a nearby slum area in Varanasi with a kind and caring mission. They gave clothes to the people living there, bringing them warmth and happiness. Before their visit, they collected many clothes from students who live in different hostels of BHU and also from students studying in various departments and faculties of the university.

In addition to giving out clothes, the volunteers also provided snacks to the children in the slum area. Before distributing the clothes, the volunteers asked everyone to form a line, and then they began the distribution. Throughout the process, everyone behaved well and there were no instances of misbehavior towards the volunteers or among the people in the community.

The kind act made the people in need happy and gave them clothes they needed. It showed them that someone cares about them and wants to help. The NGO’s work changed the lives of the people living there and reminded them that they are not alone. They realized that there are people who genuinely care about their well-being.